1. Warnings

Important The current guide contains the necessary commands to make a mononode QVD installation, where all the components will installed into the same machine. In a multinode installation will exist additional steps and network configuration may be different.
Important During the process, some packages will be installed and the network configuration will be affected. It is recommended use a testing environment.

2. Requierements

2.1. Database

  • 2 CPU cores

  • 2 GB of RAM

  • PostgreSQL 9.3 or higher

2.2. HKD

3. Pre-installation

# rpm --import https://www.theqvd.com/packages/key/public.key
# zypper ar http://theqvd.com/packages/sles/12SP1/QVD-4.1.0 QVD
# zypper ref
Note It is possible that you have to provide your installation disk to finish the operation.

For commercial packages:

# rpm --import https://www.theqvd.com/packages/key/public.key
# zypper ar http://theqvd.com/commercial-packages/sles/12SP1/QVD-4.1.0 QVD
 User Name: $USER
 Password: $PASSWORD
# zypper ref
Note $USER and $PASSWORD are the credentials received when the suscription is purchased.

4. HKD installation

root@myserver:~# zypper install perl-QVD-HKD

5. Database installation and configuration

root@myserver:~# zypper install postgresql-server
# service postgresql start

5.1. Create a user account

root@myserver:~# su - postgres
postgres@myserver:~$ createuser -SDRP qvd
Enter password for new role: passw0rd
Enter it again: passw0rd

5.2. Create the QVD database

postgres@myserver:~$ createdb -O qvd qvddb
postgres@myserver:~$ exit

5.3. Change the PostgreSQL configuration

Edit the file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and add the following line to the beginning:

host qvddb qvd md5

Note Make sure to replace the default network with the network that your platform uses.

Edit the file /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf and set the following parameters:

listen_addresses = '*'
default_transaction_isolation = 'serializable'

Restart PostgreSQL.

root@myserver:~# service postgresql restart

5.4. Basic configuration

root@myserver:~# cp -v /usr/lib/qvd/config/sample-node.conf /etc/qvd/node.conf
root@myserver:~# chown root:root /etc/qvd/node.conf
root@myserver:~# chmod 0640 /etc/qvd/node.conf

Edit the file /etc/qvd/node.conf and modify/add the following entries:


5.5. QVD tables population

# /usr/lib/qvd/bin/qvd-deploy-db.pl

6. Administration tools installation

6.1. SSL Configuration

Note If you already have a certificate signed by a third party, you can skip the auto signed certificate creation and use your signed certificate instead.
Auto signed certificate creation
root@myserver:~# zypper install openssl
root@myserver:~# mkdir /etc/qvd/certs
root@myserver:~# cd /etc/qvd/certs

Generate a private key.

# openssl genrsa 2048 > key.pem

Create an auto signed certificate.

# openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 3650 -key key.pem > cert.pem
Note OpenSSL will prompt you to enter the various fields that it requires for the certificate. In the field Common Name you must insert the fully qualified domain name of the host that will be running your QVD node.

6.2. API

root@myserver:~# zypper install perl-QVD-API

Create the file /etc/qvd/api.conf with the following content:


To execute either the CLI or the WAT we must start the API.

service qvd-api start

Calling to the endpoint info from the browser or using the following command, we will check that the API is working.

# curl -k https://localhost:443/api/info

It should return a JSON with system information.

6.3. CLI

root@myserver:~# zypper install perl-QVD-Admin4

Create the file /etc/qvd/qa.conf with the following content:

qa.url = https://localhost:443/
qa.tenant = *
qa.login = superadmin
qa.password = superadmin
qa.format = TABLE
qa.insecure = 1
Caution This is just a testing installation guide. Never for be using in production environment. The parameter qa.insecure must be replaced by the parameter qa.ca with your Authority certification path.

With the following command we will check that QA4 is working.

# qa4 admin get

It should return the two administrators of the system: admin and superadmin.

6.4. WAT

# zypper install qvd-wat
Executing the WAT

Visit https://localhost:443


  • username: superadmin@*

  • password: superadmin

7. Basic and indispensable configuration

7.1. Network configuration

7.1.1. Set dnsmasq to be controlled by QVD

# rpm -q dnsmasq

If it is not installed:

# zypper install dnsmasq
# chkconfig dnsmasq off

7.1.2. Configure IP forwarding

Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomment the line:



# sysctl -p

7.1.3. Configure a network bridge

Open Yast and go to System → Network Settings


  • Select Add option.


Set the following options:

  • Device Type:"Bridge"

  • Configuration name:"qvdnet0"

  • Leave all the remainig fields as they are.

  • Choose Next.


In the following screen set the options:

  • IP Address:""

  • Subnet Mask:""

  • Hostname:"qvdnode"

  • Choose Next.


  • The network device will be automatically configured in a few seconds.

  • Choose Ok to save the configuration.

  • Exit from Yast

Execute the following commands too:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 8443 -j DNAT --to-destination
Note You will need to change the IP address to the IP address of the network interface that you intend your clients to connect to.
Note The range should be unique within your infrastructure.

Bring up the network bridge:

# ifup qvdnet0

7.1.4. Configura QVD for your network

# qa4 config set tenant_id=-1,key=vm.network.ip.start,value=
# qa4 config set tenant_id=-1,key=vm.network.netmask,value=24
# qa4 config set tenant_id=-1,key=vm.network.gateway,value=
# qa4 config set tenant_id=-1,key=vm.network.dns_server,value=
# qa4 config set tenant_id=-1,key=vm.network.bridge,value=qvdnet0

7.2. Configure QVD to use the SSL certificates

# qa4 config ssl key=/etc/qvd/certs/key.pem, cert=/etc/qvd/certs/cert.pem
# openssl version -d

The previous command may return the following response by default:

OPENSSLDIR: "/etc/ssl"
Note If other directory is returned, use it instead /usr/lib/ssl for the following steps.

The trusted certificates are stored in /usr/lib/ssl/certs.

# trusted_ssl_path=/etc/ssl
# cert_path=/etc/qvd/certs/cert.pem
# cert_name=`openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $cert_path`.0
# cp $cert_path $trusted_ssl_path/QVD-L7R-cert.pem
# ln -s $trusted_ssl_path/QVD-L7R-cert.pem $trusted_ssl_path/$cert_name

7.3. Configure HKD Node

Edit file /etc/qvd/node.conf with this contents:

nodename = node1
database.host = localhost
database.name = qvddb
database.user = qvd
database.password = passw0rd

Now, add the node to the solution by running:

# qa4 host new name=node1,address=

And start HKD service:

# systemctl start qvd-hkd

8. And now, what?

Should you have any issue, please check the full QVD installation guide.

If you have already done all the steps of this guide, congratulations, you already have a solution QVD installed. Now you should:

  • Configure your fist OSF

  • Install your first image

  • Add your first user

  • Add a VM for your user

We recommend to you to continue with the WAT guide to do these steps.

Once finished, you will only have to:

  • Connect and try the solution

Check the quick guide to install the QVD client in your system.

If you have any question or need additional support, visit our website at http://theqvd.com/ or contact with us at info@theqvd.com.